Water Plants
Water Lilies
Water lilies offer a floating mat of foliage crowned with resplendent blooms that open every morning, then close for the afternoon (though night-blooming water lilies open at night and close every morning). Each bloom generally lasts 3-4 days, and then is quickly replaced. In addition to the luminous color choices, water lilies are often fragrant. ( $30.00 large division )
Arrowhead is an easy-care water plant perfect for adding a tropical feel to water gardens. This tough perennial bears attractive, arrow-shaped foliage and clusters of three- petaled white flowers. The leaves grow longer and more tapered in deeper water. $5 and up
Blue pickerel
This broad-leafed water plant thrives at the edges of a pond, and produces an abundance of lavender-blue flower spikes through the summer. Blue pickerel is a vigorous grower that sends its glossy leaves as much as 3 feet above the waterline. Makes your water garden very beautiful!
$ 5.00 and up (depending on size)

Parrot’s feather
Parrot’s feather is a versatile plant that you can grow underwater
(to add oxygen, give fish a place to hide, and cut down on algae in ponds),
floating above the water, or in wet soil at water’s edge. It earned its
moniker from its dense plumes of fine-texture foliage. The feathery
branches grow at the tops of long, floating stems. $ 5.00 and up
Sweet flag
Although sweet flag looks like a grass, it is in a family by itself. Like grasses, though, sweet flags are grown for their textural foliage, especially the boldly variegated types. The plants grow best in moist soil and may even grow in several inches of standing water, making striking upright accents in water gardens or moist borders. $ 5.00 and up

Water hyacinth
A jewel in the water garden but invasive in waterways,
water hyacinth is a pond fish’s best friend, providing shelter
and feeding area. Rosettes of glossy green leaves float
leisurely across a pond, gradually covering the surface and
sending down thick roots that shelter fish. In warm weather,
the plants send up lavender bloom spikes that last about a day.
It should be planted early in the season so its spread
outpaces algae, and thin out old plants every year to
reinvigorate growth. Because it’s a tender plant, it requires
overwintering indoors in an aquarium to survive from year to year.
$ 5.00 and up

Umbrella Plant
The Umbrella Palm, also known as Umbrella Plant and Umbrella Papyrus, is an excellent accent plant for ponds or patios. Umbrella Palms provide an exciting look to any location – home, office or pond. Umbrella Palms have 24 to 72 inch high stems with thin blades arranged like an umbrella on the end. Plant them in nutrient rich soil in 2 to 5-gallon or larger containers. They prefer 1 to 6 inches water depth, and to be placed in sun to partial shade. $ 5.00 and up
Elephant Ears
Elephant Ears is an attractive, evergreen succulent shrub or small tree that can reach 2 – 5 m in height, although usually around 1.5 – 2m in a garden situation. It has has small, round, succulent leaves and red stems. Small, star-shaped, pink flowers are borne en masse from late winter to spring. Being a fairly low maintenance plant, Elephant bush is normally quite easy to grow provided a minimum level of care is given throughout the year. $ 5.00 and up

Water Irises
Irises are among the most favored of the bog plants. Their foliage is attractive and is good as a backdrop or as an adjunct to the other plants in the bog. Their flowers have an obvious appeal, being among the most exotic flowers in the hobby. They are useful as filtering agents in ponds and can be grown in any moist area. $ 5.00 and up
